Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can Biosolids benefit us?

Biosoilds as fertilizer?
In other part of our planet, Biosolids are a popular choice for sustainable agricultural fertilizer. Before continuing into more detailed information regarding Biosolids, we must established what Biosolid actually is. The term Biosolids, essentially refers to human waste, or treated sludge and is a term used by the waste water industry to denote the byproducts of domestic and commercial sewage and waste water treatment. Biosolids are mainly a mix of water and organic materials that are a by-product of the sewage treatment processes. Biosolids may also contain nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter as well as essential micro-nutrients such as copper, iron, molybdenum and zinc, which are all important for plant growth and soil fertility. Though, many people often question the benefits of Biosolids. A chart bellow, made by a student from Lynch burg College, of Virginia,  is organized to display the benefits of such organic material and the potential harm it many have on our environment.

Creates jobs
Potential health hazard
It is a cost effective method of
Effects irreversible
Recycles versus filling landfills
Contamination resulting from accumulation of industrial waste
Promotes farming
Its true composition is unknown
Reduces emissions from
transportation to landfills
May contain hazardous chemicals
Good free fertilizer
Possibly transferable to crops
 Land Reclamation
Decreases property value
 Can be recycled

Advantages of Biosolids
Based on further research I came to a conclusion that the usage of Biosolid can be quite beneficial, though only if treated correctly. As listed in the above chart you can see the countless positive factors of the usage of Biosolids. The use of biosolids can, improve crop production, serve as an excellent fertilizer, create jobs, be recycled, reduce soil erosion, improve soil fertilization, reduce the need for commercial fertilizers and conserve landfill space, with minimum costs. Also mentioned is the fact that it can be recycled. Although its negative effects are irreversible, people have developed ways to minimize those harmful effects, by effectively recycling Biosolids to help fertilize fertilize agricultural crops and forests.

Disadvantages of Biosolids
However Biosolids, despite is numerous advantages, is continuously seen as an unsanitary practice that can be harmful to the health of humans. It has been stated that Biosolids contain toxic pollutants, odor, nutrients, pathogens and small traces of metal than is known to be quite harmful to human bodies. Furthermore, improperly managed application of biosolids can cause odor problems, especially in residential areas.  Western countries are to be blamed for this idea of unsanitary use. It is due to the image portrayed of human waste and the fact that in western countries, such as Canada and USA, they have alternative methods of fertilization.

Despite its image of being unsanitary, Biosolids is still excellent method farming. The benefits of biosolids far exceed the disadvantages as it offers an environmentally sound alternative to the disposal of wastes, while health risks are negligible if it complies with the regulatory requirements.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Technology and Health Care

Technology Today
Technology has been part of our world for many years and its benefits are quite evident. Technology is used for almost anything in our world today such as, transportation, education, business, and most importantly health care.  Health care is quite valued by the government, and consistently experiments with technology to make health care as convenient and effective as possible. These new technologies help doctors and scientist detect imperfections, diseases and virus that us our bodies have. In addition technology has an immense amount of contribution to development of many vaccinations and medicines. Through the effects of hi-tech facilities, the survival rate of humans has drastically increased in all parts of the world. To name a few of those modern amenities, we have the popular Ultra Sound machine, the X-ray machine, the MRI, and the CAT scan. Though each a have distinct purpose, all are beneficial towards advancing the field of health care.

Health Care Technology
The Ultrasound machine uses high-frequency sound waves to look at organs and structures inside the body. These piece of technology is primarily used to examine heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver and other organs. Ultrasound can also be used to examine the fetus during pregnancy. Unlike x-rays, ultrasound does not involve exposure to radiation.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are large magnet and radio waves that are used to look at organs and structures inside your body. Health care professionals use MRI scans to diagnose a variety of conditions, from torn ligaments to tumors. MRI's are very useful for examining the brain and spinal cord.

X-Ray is a popular form of medical examination. Having it to be the most simple and easy way form examination it is a popular choice for many health care professionals. They are used to look for broken bones, problems in your lungs and abdomen, cavities in your teeth and many other problems. For example, mammograms use X-rays to look for tumors or suspicious areas in the breasts.

CT Scans
CT (Computed Topography) scans, also called CAT scans are relatively large equipments that use special X-rays to create cross-sectional pictures of your body. With the use of powerful X-rays and advanced computers, Health care professionals are able to diagnose people of Broken Bones, Cancer, Blood clots, signs of hear disease and internal bleeding.

It is clear that technology is a vital aspect of the life of us humans. The benefits of these new and advance technologies, specifically in the field of health care, are endless. With technology we are able to increase the chances of survival for those who are seriously ill.  With the use of technology we can, diagnose those who suffer from serious illnesses, early predict the effect of the illness, and produce a number treatment options to those truly in need. Life without technology can be quite devastating. If such technology did not exist the survival rate would be rather low. Without technology doctors will, lack the ability to properly diagnose ill patients, unsuccessfully treat patients and can wrongly prescribe those in need of medicine. Technology once again proves to be the life saver, when it comes to health care. Many nations around the world have contributed to the advancement of health care. Canada in fact has been a great contributor to health care as in 1922, Fredrick Banting and Charles Best created insulin, which was able to treat diabetes.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Industrial VS Sustainable

The world as we know it is constantly enhancing its ways and will continue to do so until a point is reach where our lives can be as convenient as possible, whether it is the way we dress, the technologies we posses, or even the way we grow our food.

What is Industrial Agriculture?
People of today’s society highly rely on a system known as “Industrial Agriculture,” which is a modern method of farming that involves the mass production of animals and crops, in order to maximize product yield and profit. Industrial agriculture methods often involve genetic engineering in both plants and animals, innovative technologies to increase rates of production, and patent protection on these types of machinery. Yes, industrial agriculture does have numerous benefits, though with advantages, comes disadvantages. Many do not know that there are in fact more cons to Industrial Agriculture than there are pros. A few to mention are, environmental issues, health issues not only by animals but humans as well, genetic diversity issues, water waste issues and etc. The effects of such method are already seen in many parts of the world. Due to “Industrial Agriculture” many old breeds of livestock in the British Isle, are becoming so rare that they are in serious danger of extinction. It is not only livestock who are in endangered, but varieties of fruit and vegetables suffer from similar issues. It has been estimated that from the year 1900 to 1973, Britain lost 26 native breeds of livestock as well as many varieties of poultry. For a small island, that amount is rather high. The Somerset sheeted cattle, the Lincoln shire curly coated pig and the Goonhilly pony are among breeds that have disappeared forever.

What is Sustainable Agriculture?
Some suggested ideas for this major issue, is to go back in time and once again rely on a method that is rarely seen these days. This process is known as “Sustainable Agriculture”, which is a method of agriculture that attempts to ensure the profitability of farms while preserving the environment.  Though the productivity amount and time of “Sustainable agriculture” is not as sufficient as Industrial, the advantages of this method are endless. With this process in hand we will see immediate positive results in our environment, health, economy and most importantly our genetic diversity.

It is important for our society to adapt new ways to help preserve these endangered plants and animals. We must recognize the influence these creatures have on our heritage and cultural identity. After all, these are the animals that fed, clothed and provided an income for our ancestors, often as far back as records exist. In my opinion, we should start to turn to alternate ways of production in order to save these endangered species, though it may take more time and money we must stay committed to provide a much cleaner and environmentally friendly future. Many may argue that feeding a growing population is much important that conserving biodiversity, though little do they know is that the conservation of biodiversity is much more important for human survival. The survival of these breeds is the key to the future as they will not only provide food and nutrition for generations to come but they may contain valuable materials used to produce medication for many types of disease .

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Designer Babies

What is a designer baby?

The term Designer baby is a term used by the media to describe such complex events, in which the embryos of a baby are modified in order to choose a desirable appearance. Just in 2004, the term designer baby was made a reality after frequent research and testing have proved of a possibility of modifying genes to create a “perfect child”. The purpose of this procedure is to eliminate numerous flaws that cause imperfections on a baby, such as diseases, odd appearances, undesirable qualities, and etc. The procedure has grown more advance over the years that even the simplest thing is being altered, such as eye, hair colour and complexion.

What are the Technologies used?

The most popular method of performing this operation is In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF).  IVF is a procedure in which egg cells are fertilized by sperm outside the body. During this process, the ova from a woman is removed from the ovaries and placed with a sperm cell in a special liquid to control its fertilization. The process of IVF is associated with a technique known as Pre-Implantation Genetics Diagnosis (PGD). In this procedure the embryos are closely examined for imperfections and defects prior to implanting it in the womb. This procedure allows the genes to be modified or replaced in order to achieve a faultless child.

Is it Right or Wrong?

The subject of designer babies stir up plenty arguments revolving around whether such method is morally correct or incorrect. There are two main views involving this topic, the scientific view and religious view. The religious side completely oppose of these sort of operation as it goes against many beliefs and faith. Religion sees this situation as, babies are born the way they are for a reason chosen by God, despite any illnesses, physical /mental imperfections. Also, having to decide of the child’s genes is considered to be religiously incorrect, as instead of having God to choose, the parents take that role. Due, to designer babies the image of new born babies has changed from gifts from Gods to daily commodities.  In the other hand, science views this as a revolutionary discovery. To many, designer babies are considered to be a beneficial piece of technology since, most of its benefits include: cosmetic procedures, immunity from numerous diseases, ability to choose ones gender, replacement of faulty DNA and many more.


People often complain that the procedures and outcomes due to IVF and PGD are morally incorrect, however they fail to see what is really morally incorrect. These people would rather risk their children inheriting many deadly diseases and would allow their children to suffer instead of having their children’s genes altered in order to avoid fatal illnesses, which is a reasonable conclusion coming from a religious point of view. But coming from a scientific view, designer babies is a helpful method in growing a much healthier and illness free population. So in conclusion, what is really morally incorrect is in the way you abuse such procedures. Most people in our society will extend their usage of IVF and PGD for cosmetic purposes and equipping their children with special traits, which is considered to be “playing God” and not morally accepted. But, if usage is only to assist the child in living a healthier life, then maybe it can be considered morally correct. I personally am not against such procedures, since I believe it is the key into a healthier and brighter future for the next generation. Although some of its procedures go against my beliefs, I believe Designer Babies should still be continued.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Tigers are considered to one of the most exotic and beautiful creatures that lurk our planet, however little do people know of this drastic decrease in population. Tigers face many endangering factors such as larger species of animals, natural disasters, diseases but most importantly humans. Humans are thought of to be the tiger’s biggest treat due to numerous reasons. Some include: traps, poisoning (pollution wise), hunting, skinning, and sources of medical products. These are just a hand full of the harmful effects of humans towards tigers. Today, only about 4,870 to 7,300 tigers are left in the wild. Three tiger subspecies, which are now extinct are: the Bali, Javan, and Caspian tigers.


Humans have also altered the natural habitats of tigers by their destruction and violation on the tigers' feeding range. The size of a tiger's territory depends on the amount of food available, and usually ranges from about 10 to 30 square miles (26-78 sq. km). Siberian tigers sometimes have really big territories (as large as 120 square miles).The ranges of the remaining five subspecies are as followed: The northernmost living tiger, and the Amur or Siberian tiger, live primarily in southeastern Russia. The South China tiger reside only in southern China. The range of the Indochinese tiger stretches across most of Southeast Asia. The Bengal tiger is found mainly in India, whereas the Sumatran tiger is restricted to the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Humans are destroying their habitats by deforestation, moving into their preferred locations, polluting the water and air, and hunting them as well as their prey. Habitat loss is one of the most significant and devastating threats to the endangered tiger's survival. As long as the demand of tiger parts, for medicine, deforestation, hunting, pollution remain as it is, the tiger’s survival is in a critical condition.


WWF, on October 26, 2010, announced that one of the world’s most iconic species, the tiger, should be the first stage of many government’s efforts to conserve nature.  Many of the governments that gathered at Japan in the Convention on Biological Diversity (October 26, 2010) will meet again next month at the Tiger Summit, which is being held from 21-24 November in St. Petersburg, Russia. The purpose of this Tiger Summit is to preserve the number of tigers that exist now and to double its amount by the next year of the Tiger, which is on the year 2022. Also, the plan focuses on protecting the last existing tigers and maintaining the larger remaining habitats throughout the world. It aims to tackle the many ways of the tiger population loss, which includes the following:  poaching and the lucrative illegal trade in skins and body parts, habitat loss, conflict with humans, and prey loss. Head of WWF Tigers Alive, Mike Baltzer, quoted “As an indicator species for forests rich in biodiversity throughout Asia and the Russian Far East, tigers are on the front line of the impact of biodiversity loss, the Tiger Summit will be the first test for leaders to take action and make good on their pledges to arrest the decline in biodiversity.”  He also said, “If we save this beautiful and powerful icon of the forest, we can save a lot of important biodiversity. Strong action taken here in Nagoya will give us the momentum to stand strong for tigers at next month’s meeting and beyond.” Not very long ago, there were 100,000 tigers in the wild, with its nine subspecies roaming as far west as the Caspian Sea and as far east as the island of Bali in Indonesia. However due to the numerous complications the tigers had to deal with, 93 percent of its former habitat is lost. The tiger numbers as few as 3,200, with three subspecies already extinct and the remaining six hanging on in increasingly small pockets of habitat in 13 countries – Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Thailand and Vietnam. “Protecting the forest areas in the 13 countries where tigers are still found will also be a test in itself,” confirmed Baltzer.